The strange interconnectedness of Stephen King’s book universe (15 Photos)

The strange interconnectedness of Stephen King’s book universe (15 Photos)

the-strange-interconnectedness-of-stephen-kings-book-universe-x-photos-15.jpg?quality=85&strip=info&w=600&h=413Warner Bros.

It’s insane how much of a prolific writer Stephen King is. Between all of his books, novellas and short stories, he’s got thousands of characters that he’s created out of nothing and some of them, like Annie Wilkes, Pennywise and Jack Torrance are staples of pop culture. He’s the reason some of us still have nightmares into adulthood.

On top of that, he’s such a master storyteller that every tale he weaves, feels so real and enriches his previous books. You wanna know why that is? It’s because all of his books are connected. It’s all one big universe of child-eating clowns, gut-wrenching terror, Lovecraftian monsters, and heartbreaking tragedy, and it goes deeper than just the fact that 90% of his books take place in Derry and Castle Rock, Maine.

The universe of Stephen King’s mind is a terrible place to live.

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