An Age-by-Age Guide to Preparing Kids for a Big Move

An Age-by-Age Guide to Preparing Kids for a Big Move

Photo: matimix (Shutterstock)

This is an age in which kids are really starting to test out their independence, which means you can expect to see more bargaining, as well as a wider range of emotions, including—but not limited to—anger, fear, defiance, or even excitement.

One way to help them with this transition is to talk with them about what their new school is like—and if possible, schedule a tour. If the move is happening during the school year, the school may even have student tour guides, which will give your child a chance to both get a feel for the layout of the school and meet a friendly face or two before their first day.

You should also research what clubs, activities, or sports are available for them to participate in, and get them signed up and involved early, so they can meet new friends their age right away.

“Having a sense of what is to come will help reduce anxiety about the unknown,” LaSov said.

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