7 ‘Scientific’ Theories of How the Universe Formed That Reject the Big Bang

7 ‘Scientific’ Theories of How the Universe Formed That Reject the Big Bang

Adherents to the simulation hypothesis contend that all existence is a computer simulation, which goes like this: If humans continue to develop computing power as we have been, future generations will develop computers powerful enough to simulate consciousness. Assuming that they’d run a lot of simulations that would be indistinguishable from reality, there’s a better chance that we exist in one of countless fake worlds than the single real one.

In this case, the origin of our universe would be the moment someone started the simulation, and not a Big Bang. This idea is generally regarded as pseudoscience for a variety of reasons, including the inherent inability to test the hypothesis scientifically, with critics pointing out that saying “everything is like it is because that’s how the programmers wanted it” is essentially the same argument as “God did it.” Also: Elon Musk believes in it, which is enough reason for me to reject it entirely.

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