22 of the Best Un-Halloween Movies for When You Love Fall but Hate Horror

22 of the Best Un-Halloween Movies for When You Love Fall but Hate Horror

Screenshot: When Harry Met Sally/MGM

Autumn’s here (on paper, anyway), and I, for one, have... mixed feelings. Milder weather is great and all, as are the forthcoming fall colors, but October is also a harbinger of winter. Not a fan. In the meantime, let’s make the the most of it/disassociate from the terrible world by indulging in a bunch of those perfect-for-fall movies.

Now, while I love horror flicks, and this is certainly the season for them, frankly it’s been getting a little too real out there for an awfully long time now, so there’s no shame at all in looking for entertainment nary a vengeful ghost, nor a single serial killer. Movies that are lighter, funnier, warmer, and occasionally even uplifting. There are fall movies to suit a wide variety of moods, and not all are sweet and filled with pumpkin spice, but any good seasonal selection will speak to our need for something to get us through dark evenings and darker times. Grab a light blanket, or a warm drink, or an edible, or all of the above—you deserve a rest.

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