14 Ways You Aren’t Using Your Lint Roller (But Should Be)

14 Ways You Aren’t Using Your Lint Roller (But Should Be)

Photo: Tanitka (Shutterstock)

If you’re like me, the bottom of your purse, backpack, or gym bag is a treasure trove. Coins, paper clips, and ChapSticks long out of commission. Gum wrappers that have dissolved into a fine film. Loose Advil pills that have been crushed into oblivion. Except these little messes don’t actually disappear into oblivion; they add up, until the bottom of my bags reveal me to be a much messier person than I believe myself to be.

Like with the lampshade trick, the lint roller is perfect for picking up the debris that collects at the bottom of your bags. After you remove your belongings, roll the sticky adhesive of the lint roller around to make the inside of your bags look like new. If you’re able to turn the bag inside out, this will make maneuvering the lint roller a whole lot easier, but this hack will work either way.

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