14 Unexpected Household Uses for Nail Polish Remover

14 Unexpected Household Uses for Nail Polish Remover

Photo: Pelagija (Shutterstock)

Mmm, nail polish remover. That sweet-smelling elixir—wait, sorry. I was sniffing my nail polish remover and I blacked out for a minute. We all know this pungent beauty staple definitely does not smell sweet. But the same chemical that provides its trademark unpleasant scent is what makes it great at cleaning dirt, grime, scuffs and stains off many surfaces in your home: Acetone.

This colorless, flammable liquid is a solvent that dissolves substances such as paint, varnish, or grease. Which makes that $.99 Target purchase a jack-of-all-cleaning trades around the house, capable of wiping away all manner of goo, oil, residue beyond that layer of “Louvre Me, Louvre Me Not” nail color on your digits.

If you wear gloves, crack a window for proper ventilation, and never use it near a flame or heat, this versatile, inexpensive liquid can be safely used for much more than mani-pedis.

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