13 Extremely Specific Emergency Preparedness Tips

13 Extremely Specific Emergency Preparedness Tips

Photo: Dragon Images (Shutterstock)

You’ve wound up in a cheap motel room for the night, exhausted from your life on the road. Unfortunately, what you saved in room cost, you sacrificed in security. Maybe the deadbolt on the door is shoddy, or you suspect someone with a master key might try to gain entry to your room during the night.

You can never be too safe. When you need to increase your room security without any special gadgets (like a travel door stop), you can be resourceful with items found in any motel room:

A sock. Fold a thick sock and wedge it in the top corner of the door (where it hinges open). When you want to leave the room, it’ll be easiest if you pull the door and sock out simultaneously. An ironing board. You can easily prop your ironing board under the door handle to create a makeshift barricade. A shower rod. If the shower rod is detachable, it also makes for a decent barricade when you lodge it in place between the door and the wall.

If you want to create a DIY alarm system, try balancing a glass cup on the door handle, so that you can hear it fall if someone is trying to open your door during the night.

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