10 Versatile Exercises to Do With Tiny Dumbbells

10 Versatile Exercises to Do With Tiny Dumbbells

Photo: Fractal Pictures (Shutterstock)

When you’re just starting to work out, small dumbbells are a godsend: You can do the same exercises as everyone else, but with less weight. When we get strong enough, we often leave those little dumbbells behind, and that’s a shame. There are actually a lot of worthwhile exercises that don’t require much in the way of weight.

What counts as a “light” dumbbell is going to vary depending on how strong you are. Even as a beginner, you may be able to do these exercises with, say, 2-pound dumbbells. As you get stronger, we might be talking about something like a 10-pounder. Whatever your experience level, go ahead and grab those little weights in the corner and try out some of these moves.

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