10 Memories You Can Give Your Kids That Are Better Than Vacation, According to Reddit

10 Memories You Can Give Your Kids That Are Better Than Vacation, According to Reddit

Image: 4 PM production (Shutterstock)

Raise your hand if you have memories of making things in the kitchen with one of your parents or grandparents. User 2l8tochooseausername hailed the importance of family food preparation: “Have some traditional recipes for your family (they don’t even have to be anything extravagant, just something the kids seem to enjoy), and involve them in the preparation. You can give them the easy/safe tasks at first, and eventually teach them the whole thing.”

If you’ve ever bemoaned how hard it is to involve little kids without it becoming a messy fiasco, Creepgyal69 has got you. “Even buying a pizza base and topping it yourself, or beating ice cream until it’s soft and adding different stuff to make custom ice cream will be fun. For inspiration there’s a YouTube channel called emmymade which has got a lot of novel and child-friendly creations.”

And here’s your reminder to write down those recipes for future generations, even if you don’t think they’re special (If you make them every week for 10 years, rest assured, your kids will remember them.) User idle_isomorph says: “On her deathbed, my grandmother made us a cookbook of her recipes. Not fancy stuff, just her meatloaf, biscuits, cookies.. all the stuff she made often. All the kids and grandkids got copies and we all cherish it. When we use it, and share food and conversation with friends around the table, we feel that she is with us again.”

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