Gates Foundation pledges $1.2B to eradicate polio globally
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation says it is committing $1.2 billion to efforts aimed at ending polio worldwide
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation says it is committing $1.2 billion to efforts aimed at ending polio worldwide
New coronavirus cases fell 9% globally last week while deaths remained stable
The World Health Organization reports that the number of coronavirus cases reported globally has dropped for a second co...
The World Health Organization says the number of people killed by the coronavirus surged by more than 40% last week
The World Health Organization says the number of new coronavirus cases and deaths globally have continued to fall in the...
The number of new coronavirus cases reported globally dropped by 16% last week, marking a month-long decline in COVID-19...
An organization that handles claims on behalf of Jews who suffered under the Nazis says Germany has agreed to extend ano...
A warming planet and land use changes mean more wildfires will scorch large parts of the globe in coming decades
Nonprofits battling child marriage are looking for more support during the COVID-19 pandemic and have found some help fr...
“Superbugs” have joined the ranks of the world’s leading infectious disease killers